Friday, January 21, 2011

Movies - 2011 First Batch

Movies again.  Finally had a small spot of time after the post-holiday back-to-work rush.  Most of these are end-2010 movies, but most are pretty good.  I got motivated to check them out after the Golden Globe nominations.

The King's Speech (dialogue between the characters blew me away and the movie flows well)
Unstoppable (suspense is sustained at a good level throughout the movie)

The Tourist (predictable and a bit slow, but Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp are pretty good in this one)

OK only
True Grit (slow, wild-west type of movie; not quite my thing)
Megamind (yawn and too predictable)
Green Hornet (wanted someone to shoot the irritating green hornet character 15min into the movie, Jay Chou is OK as Kato)
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (not bad)
To watch (still, sigh):
Robin Hood
The Expendables
Tron 2: Legacy (started, but it was so slow at first that I paused and did something else)
Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps (brain turned off when they started spouting about the economic crisis)
The Social Network

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