Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy M M X I

Happy Two Thousand and Eleven!

It's hard to believe that I've already spent ten years (and five months) in the U.S..  In that time, I've gotten married, earned a Masters degree, held two job positions, owned three cars and had six different addresses (four of which were rented).  Although I stayed mainly in one state, albeit in three different cites in three different counties, vacation traveling has led me to or across ten out of the fifty states.  The number of miles I've walked, driven or flown are uncountable, not because there were too many, but because I'm not sufficiently OCD to keep detailed track.

Sadly, only two trips back to Singapore were made in all this time, mainly due to the daunting twenty-two hour flight.  That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.  Well, that and the thirty pounds (on average) I've gained since I came to the U.S. has made those small airplane seats even smaller. While I've been away, my niece/nephew count has grown to thirteen from two (or was that three?), making me feel alternately old and young, and old again, occasionally.. when I think about it... sometimes....  See?

There.  Ten years (and five months) of my life summed up in numbers.  More enterprising members of my family can try to divine some sort of Toto or 4D winners (consolation also can) from these numbers.  I wish everyone a Happy New Year ahead!


  1. serene2:31 AM

    Happy New Year to you and sis-in-law!

  2. And i've visited 4 times!! haha..

    you should fly back again.. Delta airline seats seem more spacious than Northwest ones.

  3. we'll see. singapore is just so ultra-hot. total lack of energy to do anything, sigh. don't even want to go to hawker center to makan, sigh.

  4. that's why we da2bao1 back. :)
