Sunday, April 25, 2010

Moving Plants

There are a couple of Purple Leaf Sand Cherry shrubs (or small tree, depends on which guide you read) at the side of the house.  Lee Kiang took some photos of them when she was here 2 years back.  These plants actually prefer "full" sun, so being shaded by both our and neighbor's houses doesn't really help the leaves achieve the full "purple" color.  This makes it look a bit sickly in the fall when there are fewer daylight hours.

We've been wanting to plant some bamboo around the house since last year.  Bamboo prefers shade, so that patch of ground would be perfect for what we had in mind.  Full grown shrubs like these actually cost quite a bit at the nursery, it seems like a waste to just throw them away.  Since we have to dig them up either way, transplanting them to another space in the yard was the best solution.

It takes about 4-5 hours to move each plant, so we did it over 2 weekends.  Didn't really think about photographing the results until we were done with the first one.  Jia Nin took the photos.


  1. looks like lots of work...
    LOOKS tiring.. let alone DOING it :P
    So .. any photos of the bamboo??

  2. take care of your back when you do heavy gardening..

  3. Bamboo guy coming today (Apr 29) - waiting for him now, actually. Will try to remember to take photos if I get the chance between meetings and work.
