Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Watching the Olympics Online

The National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) has bought up the rights to all Olympics coverage here in the US. So while I can try to jump through hoops to obtain live coverage, the 12 hour time difference just doesn't make it worth while. The TV coverage also tends to be US-centric. Events that the US don't dominate is not likely to make it to the screen. Luckily, NBC has put most of its videos online at its Olympics web site. One has to install the Microsoft Silverlight (version beta 2) plug-in, but so far, it is working out well enough. The events I like to watch (archery, swimming, diving, etc) tend to have a short bit of intense action between long periods of waiting. Silverlight thankfully allows skipping around the video by dragging a timeline marker, almost like watching youtube). One feature I would like is to able to skip forwards/backwards in 5 second increments, but Microsoft seems to have something against things like that. p.s. Michael Phelps is a University of Michigan alumni, so I'm rooting for him to go for that 8-gold record!

1 comment:

  1. Unsurprisingly, it is China-centric over here in Beijing. The opening ceremony is absolutely awesome. For a moment, I feel proud to be in Beijing. Weiye
