Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It Finally Feels Like Winter

The temperature in Ann Arbor has finally dropped below freezing after being unseasonably warm in December. And what does it do? Rain. The rain water then freezes and collects on objects. Forming an interesting "ice coating". The sun shining on these trees form a "crystal forest" effect that is just breathtaking. Sorry. No photo of that since my camera is over exposed from the brightness.


  1. hey big bro, what's those red round things hanging from the branches? apples? :) i like the whiteness of the winter but not the cold wind and slippery melts.. if it falls below 15 and beyond, i bet i will eat until i turn into a ball should we move to beijing...

  2. that's the "fruit" (inedible) berry of that tree.. very small like immature grapes.. usually see migrating geese eating the fallen ones from the ground.. this year's weird weather has left most of them on the tree..

  3. Awwwww

    so pretty!!!!!!!!!!
