Saturday, September 23, 2006

Car Trouble

The brake warning light on the instrument panel came on. I felt it was strange since they gave me new brake pads when I bought the car. It turned out that the master cylinder, which supplies the pressure for power braking, was leaking!. If it wasn't fixed, one day I'll step on the brake pedal and the brakes won't have enough pressure to engage! Luckily caught it early! The repair, which consisted of replacing the master cylinder, cost about four hundred US dollars. Sim tiah! (Sorry. Reverted to dialect to express strong emotion ;-) ) They had to double the labor charge because the brilliant designers put the master cylinder right between the engine and the firewall (the metal between the engine compartment and main cabin). It was one of the most troublesome things to fix. Even the expert car tinkerers in the lab won't do it themselves if they can help it.


  1. Really sim tiah. It's a secondhand car?US$400! I remembered Uncle Don had a secondhand car tht costed abt Can$1000/plus and he drove it from New Foundland (where he studied) to some borders quite far from New Foundland for his work term and finally to Halifax which is about an hour flight from New Foundland. Maybe he was lucky to get tht car.Hee hee making you even more "sim tiah"

  2. wa so dangerous! lucky you caught it in time big bro!

  3. Car is somewhat like computer: Sometimes will need to repair. But at least computer crash is not likely to kill you!

    Wah! Uncle Don so lucky. Oh well, my first car only cost USD1000. And it was a 1989 Honda Accord, which I had from 2001 to 2005. So it was quite a good deal.

    Lesson: Respond to the warning lights on your instrument panel as quickly as possible!

    Drive safely everyone!
